At the Samsung Unpacked event, the South Korean consumer electronics brand introduced new smartwatches that will run a new Google powered operating system. While all the spotlight might have been on Wear OS 4 at the Samsung Unpacked event, Google didn’t forget those who have devices running older version of the OS. In a post on the Wear OS Community webpage, Google listed out three new features that are coming to existing Wear OS devices.
First is contactless payment from the smartwatches. Google is expanding support for Google Pay to 16 new countries including Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Slovakia, Sweden, Taiwan, Ukraine and United Arab Emirates, with more to come. Google also said that users will see a revamped design on the Google Pay app on wearables.Secondly, the Messages app has updated by Google. Those who have Wear OS devices can receive messages on the go and easily reply directly from your watch without needing to take out your phone. “The Messages app on your watch syncs with your Android phone, so your conversations stay up to date,” said Google.
And lastly, Google has made it easier to download and find apps on Google Play for OS. Google had said at its annual developers meet earlier this year that Wear OS apps will get richer and immersive. “In the coming weeks, new experiences are launching from your favourite apps for your smartwatch, including Calm, Komoot, Period Tracker, Sleep Cycle, Spotify, and Strava,” said Google. Many of these apps will also launch new third-party Tiles, so there’s a quick way to access the information and actions you care about most, Google added.
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